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A Simple Way To Look Slim


Body types come in many different varieties and shapes. Some are thin; some are average while others are heavier. We all however, want to look slim in what we choose to wear. This is due to society portraying an image of the perfect body which looks slender no matter what is worn on it.

Always trying to wear clothes that make us look slim is the ideal but we should not rely solely on this. Here are some suggestions to using clothing as a means of projecting a slimmer image.

Hard fabrics such as wool and denim jackets are not recommended for heavier people as this type of fabric will only serve to make you look larger. Try instead to wear slim fit jeans and trousers in order to get a slimmer appearance.

It has always been known that black has a slimming effect on the body and can make you appear to be thinner than you actually are. Blue, black and brown full length evening gowns are the perfect way to get that slender look.

If your bust line is heavy and you have a smaller waist line. Wearing belts with trousers and dresses will help to slenderize you and make you look good.

If you have an average body type and are taller, then wearing drapes with your dresses can make you look slimmer and shapelier.

Long formal skirts with a slit and straight cut trousers are ideal to make a heavier woman appear thinner.

To give your body a more balanced, proportionate look, try to wear undergarments that fit perfectly and are of good quality. This will definitely help your figure.

Briggs tummy pants can give the woman who has a rather large tummy a more trim appearance and make her waistline seem firmer and her tummy flatter. You can try this method to look thinner if that appeals to you.